Gabon Tour
Loango Park is also home to the unique Akaka Forest, a majestic marshy forest rich in plant and animal species.
Loango is the best place in tropical Africa to practice sport fishing both at sea and in the lagoons.
For the LOPE
UNESCO World Heritage since 2007 covers 4970 km2. Islets of 40,000-year-old savannas are crossed by Pleistocene forest galleries rich in endemic plants. Lopé is the best place in Africa to discover the amazing mandrill.
The park is home to Mount Brazza and the highest known mammal densities of a rainforest. It displays the score of three elephants per square kilometer: a record in Africa! But there are also large populations of gorillas and chimpanzees. There are 412 species of birds in Lopé.
The National Park of La Lopé also presents archaeological treasures: it has discovered rock carvings of the Iron Age and other signs of human occupation of at least 400,000 years ago.
Our escapades
PONGARA - With an area of 870 km2, the Pongara National Park is a 30-minute boat ride from Libreville, the capital of Gabon.
On its beautiful beaches, hundreds of sea turtles come to lay eggs while humpback whales and dolphins stay in its waters. The park also has a large population of waterfowl. The forests and savannah of Pongara include many species of flowers, insects and birds but also mammals such as wild buffalo and bush pig. This variety of landscapes is a beautiful sample of the spectacle of nature in Gabon.